About the Journal

Applied Research and Smart Technology (ARSTech), published biannually (June and December), is a peer-reviewed open-access journal organised by Engineering Research Group Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Indonesia. ARSTech promotes the application and development of intelligent technologies in various engineering sectors, which offer practical and sustainable solutions in modern human life based on the advancement of green and clean technologies that are environmentally friendly. ARSTech is a fully referenced journal that encourages sharing knowledge and discoveries among engineers, academicians, researchers, and practitioners in engineering working on different time scales.

The journal welcomes all contributions wishing to report new ideas and developments in engineering fields through original research or review articles. The article content emphasises innovative technologies based on research or intelligent ideas based on literature reviews in any technological engineering. Smart technology can be applied to industrial processes involving chemical reactions, motion mechanics, control and automation, communications and computer programming. In addition, research objects can use existing technology in transportation such as motorcycles, cars, trains, aeroplanes, ships, engineering medical devices to the nanoscale, and applications in various industries.


Article types

Original research article: describes original research results or some aspect of design development in all fields of engineering and technology. The primary findings provided in a research article should be unpublished and original. The data should support the conclusions.

Review article: a critical review of the state-of-the-art in all fields of engineering and technology without extensive theoretical analysis. The review provides a guide to related literature, an understanding of the work's relevance, and an outlook on future directions. It should be smart, discerning, critical, opinionated, and visionary.

Official website of ARSTech Journal is: http://journals2.ums.ac.id/index.php/arstech


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